.8ball - seek mystical guidance for any and all problems that can be solved with a yes or no. .8ball should i do the thing? .ball will the thing hurt? .destiny - your secret identity and the reprehensible thing you're going to do with it. .destiny .fortune - a personal and guaranteed accurate fortune/horoscope, courtsey of america's finest news source. .fortune .help - print the url for this doc. but it's a little late for that. .help .imdb - search imdb. default is to search for whatever is playing. .imdb .imdb alf .list - get the url for the movie list. optionally accepts a number to show only sadly neglected things that have been played N times or less. .list .list 0 (list things that have never been played) .list 5 .play - queue a thing from the .list .play Pee Wee's Big Adventure (1985) [PS in the likely case you're both alone and impatient, consider .voteskip to immediately see your thing] .queue - check the queue. the queue is empty unless humans add stuff to it. in other words, the queue is empty. .queue .roll - make random numbers. .roll 1d6 i'm gonna watch .roll2d10 movies, eat .roll75d100 cupcakes, then sleep for .roll6d24 hours .roulette - virtual thrills of the russian variety. .roulette .spin - spin the e-bottle and make something awkward e-happen .spin i want to meet .spin's mother .spin1 and .spin2 are both idiots .voteskip - vote to kill a stream. each vote shows an annoying X on the stream. .voteskip .weather - boy it sure is weathery today. .weather 90210 .w hell .w SEA